ExperienciaRiesgos y CumplimientoInvestigación y Servicios ForensesCibercrimen y Evidencia DigitalDefensa Penal y Litigios. Global Experience During the last 20 years, our team has been given solutions to our Clients all over the world. Read more Risk and compliance Through our expert researching and compliance team we collect enough information to identify elements that generate economic and reputational loss and legal risk. Read more Research and Forensic services Our protocol in quality management and evidence assurance allow us to support complaints, disputes and processes before different Justice instances. Read more Cybercrime and digital evidence Our laboratory is provided with the latest technology developed in the forensic and electronic discovery or e-discovery field, allowing us to acquire, process and analyze digital data. Read more Defensa Penal, Litigios
y Arbitramentos
En litigios y defensas penales, hemos aportado evidencias y asesorado estratégicamente la linea probatoria para controvertir o refutar contundentemente la hipótesis y descubrimiento de las contrapartes. Read more
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Our services

We offer our experience, knowledge and strategic abilities to process every risk presented and to give solution to problems.


We want to thank our client’s confidence in our job. We reaffirm our commitment to keep on working to give reliable solutions generating value to legal strategies that are required by companies.

Strategic partners

We know that our partners have been an essential part for our growth. Always under the premise of a real teamwork we will keep on working hand by hand to maintain the quality in what we offer.